The first online case session live from Clinique Pasteur in Toulouse

France’s prestigious center for cardiology Clinique Pasteur and the Medtronic Laboratory have organized their first interactive live case session using Next Media Factory’s WebMed technology.  Over 100 participants from around the world tuned in to attend the procedure, undertaken by doctors Jean Fajadet and Bruno Farah. Participants were able to ask questions to doctors and interact directly with doctors both via text messages and via their own embedded microphones. This experience was said to promote the same level of interactivity as  during an international congresses, all without the need to leave the house !

Organizing workshops for doctors can prove to be onerous for medical businesses, both in terms of time and budget.

Next Media Factory is the first audio-visual agency to offer a genuine interactive solution for the large scale deployment of the live transmission of a medical interventions.

WebMed is the unique solution on the market for live case HD transmission, promoting functionalities that enable highly-developed interactivity between doctors, just like in real life.